====== 3ware RAID-Controller ====== ===== Raid-Volumes-vergrößern ===== Optional: Falls man einen RAID-Controller mit Migration-Funktion hat, kann dieser ohne Datenverlust neue Platten einbinden und damit die Kapazität erhöhen (hier z.B. Beispiel 3Ware: sudo /usr/local/3ware/AMCC/CLI/tw_cli /c10/u0 migrate type=raid5 disk=3 autoverify Das dauert bei den 3ware-Controllern allerdings SEHR LANGE (Tage). ===== Firmware-update ===== Auf der Seite von LSI (hat 3ware aufgekauft) die passende Software und Firmware suchen: [[http://www.lsi.com/support/Pages/download-results.aspx?component=Storage+Component&productfamily=Legacy+RAID+Controllers&productcode=P00079&assettype=0&productname=3ware+9650SE-16ML|3ware 9650SE-16ML]] Mit der CLI-Version: sudo ./tw_cli.x86_64 //SERVER> update fw=prom0006.img Warning: Updating the firmware can render the device driver and/or management tools incompatible. Before you update the firmware, it is recommended that you: 1) Back up your data. 2) Make sure you have a copy of the current firmware image so that you can roll back, if necessary. 3) Close all applications. Examining compatibility data from firmware image and /c4 ... Done. New-Firmware Current-Firmware Current-Driver Current-API ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FE9X FE9X Both API and Driver are compatible with the new firmware. Recommendation: proceed to update. Given the above recommendation... Do you want to continue ? Y|N [N]: y Downloading the firmware from file prom0006.img ... Done. The new image will take effect after reboot.